Friday, August 14, 2009

I AM who I AM (Excerpt from "When Company Comes")

I AM wonderful just as I AM. There is no other like me. My smile is distinctive. My walk is unique. I don’t have to emulate or compare myself to others. I AM on my own journey expressing in my own way at my own pace. I AM wonderfully made in the image and likeness of my Creator. I AM the reverent keeper of my body, the chosen home for my soul to live in. I AM continuously connected to my higher self. There is no separation from the divinity within me. I AM enthusiastic about my future and the good that it holds for me. I AM lacking nothing because I have an unfailing source of abundance that is just as near as the air I breathe, waiting to supply my every need. I AM grateful.

Today I Am Reminded:
To let this little light of mine shine, shine, shine!

When Company Comes
by Angela Bolden-Thompson

Friday, June 26, 2009

When Company Comes by A. Bolden-Thompson

Everyone says that misery loves company...

Eighteen-year-old Mattie Cordell will tell you that in her experience, it happens to be true. However, she still recalls when life was less complicated. Especially at age eleven, when she was just a Daddy's girl and bookworm. Mattie's father Richard endows her with his attention and support for her love of reading. But an unexpected twist of fate changes all of that!

Richard loses his job. Desperate and uncertain about the future, he draws on the company of friends and relatives to distract him from his misfortune. Misery makes her grand entrance on the heels of a favorite nephew who arrives hauling a deep dark secret. But he isn’t the only one; Richard is also masking a secret.

Meanwhile, guests continue to emerge and their home becomes a revolving door consequently causing Mattie's world to unravel with each new arrival. Now estranged from her father, Mattie and Richard embark on a journey down the rabbit hole that leaves them enveloped in a sea of betrayal and scandal. Will she survive the houseguests? Can Richard find his way back into her heart? How much will either of them endure before reaching their breaking points?

If misery loves company, then triumph deserves an audience!

When Company Comes is available online.

ISBN# 0615147747

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Counting on Change (Excerpt from When Company Comes)

When change comes too fast or not fast enough it can be very frustrating. However, change is a part of life and it brings with it the opportunity to grow. It is my attitude toward change that constitutes bondage or liberty. By embracing change, I free myself from the stigmatism that once obstructed my view. No longer being afraid of or dreading the big “C” word, I can relax in the knowledge, that whatever the change brings about, I have the power to choose how I think and feel about it. I choose to go with the flow and grow.

Today I Am Reminded:
Change in or of itself, neither binds nor frees. As I learn to flow with the stream of life, I can adjust myself accordingly. Change brings about growth and grow we must.

When Company Comes
A. Bolden-Thompson

Monday, June 15, 2009

Charity starts at home (Excerpt from When Company Comes)

Before today, I was not very good at loving myself, or others. Love carried with it certain conditions along with high expectations. In all honesty, I was being unfair and unrealistic to myself, and others. Today I am making a turnaround. I know now that True Love comes without condition and if there are any, then I am the one who placed them there. Love accepts and forgives. Starting now, I will no longer put impracticable expectations on myself, or others. I will forgive myself and/or others, AS MANY TIMES as I need to move on. I will love myself right where I am and know that where I am, is right where I am supposed to be. In sowing this seed of love, I will reap this love from others.

Today I Am Reminded:
Love imposes no conditions, it just is. If I want to receive love unconditionally, then I must be able to give it. Freely I give Love, and freely I shall receive Love.

When Company Comes
A. Bolden-Thompson

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Inquire Within (Excerpt from When Company Comes)

There were many times when I looked to others for comfort, security and other things that add up to what I now call “Tranquility.” It never failed; I always ended up with the short end. I have come to realize that I was looking in the wrong places. The source of my serenity is not outside of me but within me. The kingdom is within and I already have the key. All I have to do is utilize it. I do not need a plane or car to get there. Nor do I need someone else to help me reach it. Just as a fish doesn’t have to travel outside of the waters to get what it needs, neither do I. When life gets too chaotic, I simply unattach myself from the situation or circumstance, go within to that wellspring of peace, and draw from it whenever I need.

Today I Am Reminded:
I can go to my secret closet, whenever I choose, and recognize the continuous flow of spiritual power that resides within. I will remember to use that power to find balance in my life, world, and affairs.

From the novel
When Company Comes by A. Bolden-Thompson

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Abundant Life

It's quite evident when you look around at our Universe, it was created for us to live abundantly. When I say abundantly, I don't mean in the material sense but that which makes our lives fulfilled.

The Sun was created to offer us energy, we have more than enough fruits and vegetables to keep us healthy, water to keep us hydrated, and work to keep us strong and alert. We as humans have something valuable to offer as well. Each person, with his/her experience and background, enter our lives to offer us something. However, we can no more receive all of our needs from one individual than we can from one fruit or vegetable. Each person brings something different to the table, such as support, security, love, comfort, encouragement, etc. These people may come all at once or one at a time.

Whether or not we allow ourselves to receive fulfillment from this 'Abundance' freely given to us to make our lives richer, is completely up to us. Choices, choices, choices...I don't know about you but I choose to have life and have it more abundantly.

The beauty of it is that it won't cost me a thing. How wonderful! Thanks God!

Be Blessed
~Novelist Angela

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy New Year Happy New You!

Since the New Year, I've taken some time to reflect on what I am most grateful for and what a blessing life lessons are. I want to share some of my thoughts on the subject with you.

For those of you who don't realize, life is a classroom. People and/or situations come into our lives to challenge our souls to unfold to the next level. Challenges, in and of itself, can be however you choose to see it. For me, a challenge is what it is. I try not to assign any qualities to it and I do my best to roll with it. One thing I know for sure is anything you fight has the potential to fight you back.

These challenges(people/situations)will show you where your focus is. Whether it's on the outer(material or physical) or the inner(spiritual). If it's on the outer, you will find yourself clinging or experiencing withdrawals. If it's on the inner you will have a sense that everything is going to be okay no matter what the outcome. This is your higher consciousness at work. The higher consciousness always knows that things will work together for your good.

When these challenges show up, we can choose to make the spiritual connection thereby getting the lesson and moving on with a greater sense of who we are. Or we can simply miss the connection, allowing it to pass right over our heads and keep experiencing the same challenge in different forms until we get it.

Wishing it away is only our ego's way of resisting change. But change we must. We must learn to be open and receptive on this spiritual journey. Because the sooner we realize that all challenges come to assist our souls to unfold to higher levels of consciousness, the less time and energy we waste swimming against the currant.

This year in 2009, one of my goals is to remain open and receptive to life's lessons, for the enrichment of my soul's unfoldment.

Be Blessed!

~Novelist Angela