In the midst of penning my second novel, I am bombarded with distractions ~ ringing phones, barking dogs, endless messages and emails, outside bathroom breaks for the doggies, regular household activities, etc. Meanwhile, the clock continues ticking and before I realize it, I've made very little progress.
I tell myself that if only I had a little hideaway I could escape to, I'd be certain to get more accomplished. If I could just get a little peace and quiet.
But would I really be productive? In fact, with all that silence going on around me, I would probably end up getting writer's block. If there were no phones, no dogs, no messages or emails, no outside bathroom breaks, then there wouldn't be much to tale(no pun intended).
All these distractions ~ all this life, going on around me, to think they're there to filter through my imagination, leaving fabulous ideas and stories to tale so that readers can escape from their lives. Funny how that works.
That being said ~ I embrace my distractions and continue to allow the Universe to send creative inspiration, in and through my life!
Ooops, the phone is ringing, I gotta go!
Be good.
~Angela Bolden-Thompson
1 comment:
Can you post more poetry??
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