Emerson said: "What is the hardest task in the world? To think."
Obviously this is so, when one considers that most of us are the victims of mass thinking and feed upon suggestions from others. We all know that the Law of Cause and Effect is inviolable, but how many of us ever pause to consider its workings? The entire course of a man's life has many times been changed by a single thought which became a mighty power that altered the whole current of human events.
If golf shots can be influenced by mental attitudes or proper visualization, and the "galloping ivories" turn up at the mental command of the players, who is there now to say that events are not influenced by thought and before us is a field that is gradually yielding to modern man some of the secrets of the ancient mysteries.
Writers have long declared that the luck factor comes about from a determined mind - a combination of visualizing, concentrated thought, willing, and believing. Think about this in connection with yourself and the goals you have set for yourself, for in it is the primary secret of this science.
Claude M. Bristol
"Belief Makes Things Happen"
The Magic of Believing
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