Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Abundant Life

It's quite evident when you look around at our Universe, it was created for us to live abundantly. When I say abundantly, I don't mean in the material sense but that which makes our lives fulfilled.

The Sun was created to offer us energy, we have more than enough fruits and vegetables to keep us healthy, water to keep us hydrated, and work to keep us strong and alert. We as humans have something valuable to offer as well. Each person, with his/her experience and background, enter our lives to offer us something. However, we can no more receive all of our needs from one individual than we can from one fruit or vegetable. Each person brings something different to the table, such as support, security, love, comfort, encouragement, etc. These people may come all at once or one at a time.

Whether or not we allow ourselves to receive fulfillment from this 'Abundance' freely given to us to make our lives richer, is completely up to us. Choices, choices, choices...I don't know about you but I choose to have life and have it more abundantly.

The beauty of it is that it won't cost me a thing. How wonderful! Thanks God!

Be Blessed
~Novelist Angela

1 comment:

Clarence Coggins said...

Abundance is a wonderful subject that most people don't fully comprehend. Each of us have a universe of Plenty at our disposal if you choose to accept it.